What Is Migraine?
More than 28 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches, and females are much more likely to get them than males. A migraine is a form of recurrent paroxysmal headaches often confined to one side of the head. It begins during childhood to adult life and is frequently associated with gastric and sensory disturbances.
What Causes Migraines?
Migraine headaches result from a combination of blood vessel enlargement and the release of chemicals from nerve fibers that coil around these blood vessels. During the headache, an artery enlarges which is located on the outside of the skull just under the skin of the temple (temporal artery). This causes a release of chemicals that cause inflammation, pain, and further enlargement of the artery. A migraine headache causes the sympathetic nervous system to respond with feelings of nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. This response also delays the emptying of the stomach into the small intestine (affecting food absorption), decreases blood circulation leading to cold hands and feet, and increases sensitivity to light and sound.
What are the pre-disposition factors:
- Anxiety, overwork, emotional upsets menopause, hypertension, premenstrual tension, food deprivation, too much chocolate or orange, etc.
AGE: Young adults
SEX: common in females
One type of migraine occurs regularly. It also seems to bear some relation to menstrual periods.
The pain in the head is most often right sided, in the temporal region. This can occur on either side or an alternate. The patient is dull mentally. He/she is sensitive to noise and light. The pupils may be dilated or contracted. The face may be pale or flushed. As a rule, the patient prefers to lie in a dark room and refuse food. It has been observed that the superficial temporal artery throbs vigorously and may be tender on palpitation. The headache may last 12 to 14 hours usually, but shorter to longer attacks may also occur.
How can you prevent migraine?
It is possible for people to get medication overuse headache (MOH), or rebound headache when taking too many medications in an attempt to prevent migraine. Prevention begins with avoiding things that trigger the condition. The main goals of prophylactic therapies are to reduce the frequency, pain, and duration of migraine headaches. There are several categories of preventive migraine medicine, ranging from diet changes and exercise to prescription drugs. Some of these include:
- Prescription beta blockers, anticonvulsants, and antidepressants
- Botulinum toxin A (Botox in.)
- Surgery that severs corrugator supercilii muscle and zygomaticotemporal nerve in the brain
- Spinal cord stimulator implantation.
- Hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
- Vision Correction.
- Sleep, sexual activity, and Exercise.
- Visualization and self-hypnosis.
- Special diets such as gluten-free.
Good supplements, Herbs, and Vitamins:
Butterbur, Cannabis, CoQ10 enzyme, Feverfew, Magnesium Citrate, Riboflavin, B12, Melatonin
Homeopathic Remedies for Migraine Headaches:
Arnica Montana: Headaches resulting from a head injury.
Belladonna: Right-sided headaches and migraine. Associated symptoms include throbbing pain, reddened or hot skin, cold feet, and hands.
Bryonia Alba: Remedy for pulsating throbbing centralized near or into the left eye. Symptoms include early morning headaches and dry mouth, disturbed by noise and movement.
China: Headaches resulting from dehydration, weakness or anemia.
Cimicifuga: Migraine and a throbbing headache. Symptoms include headache associated with the menstrual period, stiff neck pain, and feelings of gloom or despair.
Cocculus Ind: Headaches or Migraine resulting from worrisome behavior or insomnia. Symptoms include dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.
Cyclamen: Migraine associated with dizziness, blurred or dimmed vision, or eye spasm. Symptoms include earache, dry mouth or thirst, and weakness. Sensitivity to cold or open air. Emotional upsets.
Gelsemium: Symptoms include headache associated with blurred vision, the sensation of a tight band or vise clamped around skull, frequent urination, and difficulty holding head straight or opening eyes.
Ignatia Amara: Ice pick headaches and stress headaches. Symptoms include back or muscle spasms and feelings of grief, disappointment, or sadness.
Iris Versicolor: Treats headaches or migraine that typically comes during the weekend or during rest periods. Remedy for Migraine with aura. Patient vomits a bitter bilious substance and the vomiting gives relief to the pains in the head.
Lachesis: Left-sided Migraine. Symptoms include congestion, hot flashes, flushed or blotchy skin, and heat intolerance.