When a child who is old enough to have bladder control urinates accidentally while sleeping, it’s called nocturnal enuresis. Bedwetting is common for children, affecting more boys than girls. The condition occurs in 10 to 15% of children between the ages of 5 and 6, in 8% of children at the age of 8, and declines to 1 to 2% of children by the age of 15 years. Although children develop bladder control at different rates, most boys can control their bladder during the day and night by the age of 6, and most girls by the age of 5. We provide the best homeopathic treatment and remedies for bedwetting in Sydney, Australia.
There are two main types of nocturnal enuresis: primary and secondary. The primary type is a condition where a child still wets the bed after age 5 or 6. It’s often hereditary. The secondary type occurs when a child who had stopped bedwetting for at least six months starts again, often due to emotional stress or a medical condition.
Possible causes of primary nocturnal enuresis include the following:
• delay in maturation of bladder control
• the child’s bladder holds a smaller-than-normal amount of urine
• diminished levels of vasopressin (a hormone that reduces urine production)
• genetics – a child with one parent who wets the bed as a child is 25% more likely to wet the bed; that number rises to 65% if both parents wet the bed as children
• sleeping deeply – this may make children less aware of cues for the need to urinate
Rare possible causes include the following:
• Problems with antidiuretic hormone (ADH), a hormone that causes the body to retain water – normally, ADH levels increase at night to decrease the amount of urine produced. However, children with enuresis do not have increased ADH levels at night, causing greater urine production, which can lead to wetting.
• minor nerve damage – this may decrease a child’s ability to sense a full bladder
Although it is often said that emotional stress causes primary nocturnal enuresis, there is little scientific evidence to support this claim. However, bedwetting itself may lead to feelings of shame and lowered self-esteem.
Causes of secondary nocturnal enuresis include the following:
• emotional stress (e.g., the birth of a sibling, significant loss, family discord)
• urinary tract infection
• Diabetes mellitus (rarely)
For sleeping children who are old enough to control their bladders, the symptoms of bedwetting are obvious. Regularly finding urine-soaked sheets is a clear sign of the problem. Also, a child may wake and cry during the night when the wetting occurs, or wake up caregivers to alert them.
The most common complication of bedwetting is the impact on self-esteem and the emotional distress it causes children. Assuring children that the occurrences are accidental is key to managing the psychological effects.